Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Super Wife

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere - in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 (NLT)
Over the past 2 days, I have been thinking a lot about what the Holy Spirit does in someone's life. You have probably heard this before and even read the above verse several times just as I have, but stop and think about it for a minute. Isn't power what everyone wants to be ahead of the game? 
Whether your aim is to be better at home or not, I am sure you want power. It's just in our nature to want it. I believe the bible so clearly specifies that we will receive power only when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, because God created that need to have power in us right from the beginning

Though I focus on giving you tips and advice to improve your home in this blog, the truth is that all the tips and advice in the world are still not enough. There are hundreds of rich people who pay thousands of dollars to get their homes decorated and organized to the highest of standards. However, there houses are not homes. They are not happy. There money and good tastes don't get them this Power

In these 21 days, focus on receiving this Power inside of you. Once you have It, everything else you have been fighting to achieve will fall into place. 


  1. I really love your blog posts Andreia. They just keep drawing me back and they're really really helpful. Hope you are well and hope you remember me!

  2. Your right, I have read this verse so many times but even so only now do I finally understand its meaning. Everyday I ask God to give me the power to overcome my daily battles, to overcome my struggles etc but what I hadnt realized is that He already gave me that power a year ago. I can imagine God sitting in heaven as each day went passsed wondering when I was going to realize my prayers need to be changed. Now my prayers will no longer be give me the power it will be help me use this power.
    (Brixton - UK)

  3. Hi Andy,

    Without the Holy Spirit we are nothing. We can try, but at the end we need Him. We can have all the riches of this world and still not be happy. Only with the Holy Spirit we can overcome all our obstacles and be a true example. I’m grabbing this opportunity of the 21 days of the Holy Spirit.

    Thanks for sharing.
