Today I realized how so many people do so much yet so little at the same time.
Q: Why?
A: Because they use the wrong tools.
I mean, this principle can apply to pretty much anything in our lives, but I want to focus on how this applies at home.
For some women this is old news. They are up to date with all the latest ways and ideas to get things done faster and get there homes organized with simple solutions. To others, when you talk about cleaning or organizing their home they remember how they spend hours and hours doing that and not much changes. Well, here's the deal - you need to use the right stuff to get things done effectively.
So, let's say that you decided to get your home cleaned and organized today. How do you start?
1. Wash your sheets and towels in warm or hot water (read label). Add enough detergent, stain remover (if necessary) and softener. While that gets done move onto step 2.
2. If you have accumulated alot of things over time, you should start by getting rid of what you don't need. Throw away unnecessary papers, magazines, expired products, etc and give away the things you don't use such as clothes, body care, dishes, decor, etc. Wipe the cabinets or areas where these things had been kept with a damp cloth and alcohol to get rid of any dust or dirt. Reorganize that space with the things you actually need, in a way that they are easy to reach. Buy storage boxes or drawer dividers if needed to organize things better.
3. Don't keep a lot of furniture or decor if you live in a small place. It takes a lot longer to clean and always looks cluttered. Try reorganizing everything with the things you like and need the most and get the rest out. Your space will feel much lighter and cleaner just by doing that.
4. When cleaning, check if the products you're using are the best for the job. Example: if you are cleaning the kitchen cabinets or surfaces, you know that a lot of grease accumulates there, so don't just wipe it with a damp cloth or a product that won't cut through the grease. You need to use hot water and a degreaser to cut your cleaning time in half and make it effective. In the US there is a product called "greased lightning", it gets rid of virtually any mess in your kitchen. I love it!
5. When cleaning your floors, make sure you use hot water for a cleaner floor and quicker drying time. Mops usually hold a lot of dirt and bacteria. Try using a disposable floor cleaning cloth or one that can easily be washed in the washer with hot water. I prefer using the "swifter" which can be found in the UK and US. They have dry cloths which attach onto the end to trap all the dust, hair and dirt. While the wet ones remove dirt and grease, leaving a fresh scent behind. If your floors are grimy, you may want to scrub them with a broom, hot water and degreaser. Then you can wipe it clean with the "swifter".
6. The bathroom must be cleaned with an anti-bacterial product. Ensure you clean all the surfaces that bacteria may get to and preferably use a disposable cloth to avoid transfer of bacteria.
7. Empty out your trash cans daily and open your curtains or blinds every morning to give your home a fresh clean feel. This really makes a big difference.
8. Leave all the bedroom doors open to allow light through to the whole house and for the air to circulate.
Obs: you can get your washing done between these steps, so at the end all you have left to do is iron.
I will post more ideas on how to clean and organize your homes and offices better in the blogs to come.